Monday, September 22, 2014

Ocean Preservation, Fish Oils, and Prostate Cancer


     Carl Sagan put it best, we are "The Pale Blue Dot". Earth is an Ocean Planet, with 71% of our planet covered by water and the oceans themselves account for 96.5 % of it. It would be logical to assume that human beings would look after this ecosystem not only as a diverse food source; but, because between 50-70% of our oxygen, the air we breathe, is produced by the Ocean. Without the Ocean, there would be no us. Unfortunately, since the dawn of the industrial revolution the health of our planet's oceans and it's inhabitants have been in sharp decline. Rising global temperatures and overfishing are driving the Ocean's flora and fauna into new waters and creating, "dead zones". Oceanic dead zones have been growing steadily over the past 40 years, and are increasing in size. This includes our precious Canadian East and West Coast. Oceanic dead zones are caused by an increase in chemical nutrients (particularly nitrogen and phosphorus) in the water, known as eutrophication. These chemicals are the fundamental building blocks of single-celled, plant-like organisms that live in the water column, and whose growth is limited in part by the availability of these materials. Eutrophication leads to the rapid increases in the density of certain types of these phytoplankton, a phenomenon known as an algal bloom 1. This blue/green algae is responsible for four of the five mass extinctions in Earth's history.

What can I do about this?

     Looking more closely about what you put down your drain is an excellent place to start. Speaking with your dollar is only one way you can help heal the world's oceans, the other is with your fork. Where countries like Japan account for more than 92% of the world's consumption of such fish as the endangered Mediterranean Blue Tuna; it is best to not forget that every Sushi house you visit, every salmon you purchase at Costco, and every Omega 3 Fish oil you consume, is absolutely contributing to the death of our vital oceans.

 Fish Oils

     The myth is out there!. The University of Maryland boasts: Omega 3 fatty acids (ALA - alpha-linoleic acid, DHA - docosahexaenoic acid, and EPA - eicosapentaenoic acid), have all been tested in scientific research and are proven to help with the lowering of cholesterol and high blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease, aid persons with diabetes, relieve the symptoms of joint pain associated with Osteoperosis and Ststemic Lupus Erthematosus; and, mental health disorders like Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, the list continues. On the surface, Omega 3 supplements seem to be the "snake oil" of today - One pill can treat it all. The truth is, if you exorcise and eat a balanced diet, these benefits will be produced in equal, if not increased measure; but, suspending logic, and looking deeper into the claims made by Fish Oil companies, all is not so. The European Union's Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recently came to a consensus regarding the health claims made by fish oil manufacturers. The whole article can be read here, however, this is the summary:

     Where on the labeling it is found to promote, "brain, eye, cognitive development, cognitive function, support human neurodevelopment" - the EFSA states that it is outside the scope of their regulations (basically, no comment). On labels which claimed, "brain cognitive function", the EFSA states it assumes the labels refer to maintenance of normal brain function; and, the effects of DHA have been assessed with favorable outcome. "Maintenance of eye and brain health", the panel assumes that the claim refers to maintenance of normal vision to which DHA has been assessed with favorable outcome. "Maintenance of Healthy Heart", the panel assumes that this is targeted at the general population; therefore, a claim on DHA/EPA and maintenance of normal cardiac function has been assessed with favourable outcome. "Maternal Health: Pregnancy and nursing", The EFSA found this claim to not be specific enough, and therefore did not make a ruling. "Skin and digestive tract maintenance", the panel found the claim to be insufficiently defined and therefore did not make a ruling. "Enhancement of mood", it was assumed that the claim was targeted at the general population; and, that there were no intervention studies provided which conclusions could be drawn for the scientific substantiation of the claims effect. Based on the information submitted, the panel concludes that the cause and effect relationship between the consumption of DHA/EPA and the enhancement of mood is unsubstantiated. "Membranes and cell structure", the claim was assumed to target the general population and was insufficiently defined; therefore, no ruling was reached. "Anti-Inflamatory Action", the panel considers that the reduction of inflammation in the context of inflammatory disease is a therapeutic target for the treatment of the disease, and does not comply with regulations. "Maintenance of normal blood LDL-cholesterol concentrations", A claim on DHA and EPA and maintenance of normal blood LDL-cholesterol concentrations has already been assessed with an unfavorable outcome. The references provided by this claim did not provide any scientific data which could be used to substantiate the claim.

  In short, the taking of Fish Oil capsules fall into the category of, "Won't hurt, might help", at least in terms of your overall health.

Omega 3 Alternatives

     Our bodies already produce Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, therefore the addition of Omega 3 (ALA-alpha-linolenic acid) is the only essential fatty acid our bodies may require. The alternatives lie in the form of Flaxseed and Chia Seeds for the largest plant concentration of Omega 3's.  Not only does this reduce the environmental impact on what is proving to become a resource of dubious sustainability; but, in decreasing the consumption of large fish you, will also free yourself from becoming subject to the harmful chemicals they consume. The fiber in flax is mainly soluble, which means it can help lower your LDL cholesterol and it is also a source of lignans2, phytochemicals that possess anti-carcinogenic properties; however, in order for flax to be better absorbed by your system, the seeds must be ground or the oil must be consumed in pill form, mixed into food, or consumed on it's own (NOTE: Flax seed oil is a very pungent oil on it's own). Chia seeds are another renewable resource and an excellent alternative to fish oil caplets.  The contain Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and are an excellent source of insoluble fiber, just one tablespoon will account for 19% of your daily recommendation; and they contain even more essential fatty acids than that of flax seed oil 3. According to Harvard Medical, in addition to flax seed and chia seeds; walnuts, canola and soy oil are also reasonable plant alternatives to Omega 3 Fish oils.

Omega 3's and Prostate Cancer

  In May of 2013, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published an article which established a link between Omega 3 fatty acids and increased risk of prostate cancer.The study focused on blood levels of Omega 3 fatty acids in some men enrolled in a "Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial" comprised of 35 000 men over the age of 50 in the US, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Unfortunately, the study did not collect dietary information from the subjects; therefore, the source of the Omega 3's is unclear. The analysis compared 834 men who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer to a group of 1 393 men selected randomly from the 35 000 participants. The research found that those men with the highest levels of Omega 3 fatty acids in their blood has a 43% higher risk of developing prostate cancer, and a 71% chance of developing a high-grade prostate cancer. Another reason to speak to your doctor before taking a lot of Omega 3 supplements.

      The conclusion which can be drawn from my moderate research points to using alternative sources of Omega 3's to that of consuming fish or fish oil supplements. The aftermath of such a choice is a sustainable one and will allow our Oceans to begin down the long path to healing. If nothing will be done, scientists agree that the Oceans may be completely fished out within the next 30-50 years. The aftermath of which humanity cannot predict. It would be in the best interest of our species to control this situation with our forks and our votes. Refraining from consuming fish and fish products on a regular basis will alleviate the stress on our oceans and a step in removing yourself from that contribution.

     For more information on this subject please see: